I'm actively working on a few open source projects at the moment. I very much welcome feedback, suggestions, and collaborators for any of them. Feel free to open an issue/PR on Github or to send me a message directly about any of these projects.
Open Cryptochat
A minimalist, end-to-end, RSA-2048 encrypted anonymous chat application. Uses Vue.js for the frontend and NodeJS with Socketio for the backend.
Web App - https://chat.patricktriest.com/
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/Open-Cryptochat
Open JS Sandbox
An offline-first (PWA), Javascript playground web app. Written with vanilla Javascript.
Web App - https://code.patricktriest.com/
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/OpenJS-Sandbox
Open OTP
An offline-first (PWA), lightweight (50kb), OTP generator web app directly compatible with Google Authenticator.
Web App - https://otp.patricktriest.com/
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/Open-OTP
Tiny OTP
Tiny-OTP is a tiny (4kb) Javascript library that can generate RFC 4226 compliant HMAC-based one-time passwords (HOTPs), and RFC 6238 compliant time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs).
NPM Package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/tiny-otp
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/Tiny-OTP
Term Generator
A simple NodeJS API to generate generate usernames, filler sentences, memorable passphrases, Heroku-style server ids, and much more.
Web App / API Documentation - https://generator.patricktriest.com
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/Term-Generator-API
Tiny-PRNG is a tiny (1kb), mathematically correct, Javascript pseudorandom number generator, using the Lehmer / Park-Miller algorithm.
NPM Package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/tiny-prng
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/Tiny-PRNG
Vue Chess
A multiplayer (eventually) chess web app built with pure Vue.js, including a custom reusable chessboard component.
Web App - https://chess.patricktriest.com/
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/Chess-Frontend
Stockfish Microservice
A small Docker container exposing the Stockfish chess AI in a NodeJS API.
Github Repo - https://github.com/triestpa/stockfish-microservice